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微型社會 Micro-Society













On account of not only the explosion of image and information which gives rise to the stiffness of contemplation but also the high modernization of the impact on human life, the artist makes an attempt to retrieve his works from spirit level through a series of images of distance, curiosity and black humor.


The works exhibit each dimensions where human beings come into existence and social behavior by a variety of distinctive roles, which makes for the deliberation on the meanings and values of human existence. And, the beholders are able to inspect themselves and others in the deadlock of the society. Moreover, they are capable of probing a fit of the possibilities.


     In the visual society, every role seems independent. However, it is in possession of the property of Butterfly Effect. If we don’t guide and adjust a marginal unfavorable mechanism in time, that will do extreme damage to our society in the long run. Nevertheless, those who reside in the micro-social system aren’t confined to any category. Yet, the versatile demonstrations will bring about much more complicated influence on the whole society with human evolution progressing. Perhaps, the image appears nihility. Nonetheless, the spectators experience the reality. 




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